
  1. Jenson, J. & de Castell, S. (2010). Gender, Simulation and Gameeplay: Research Reviews and Redirections. Simulation and Gaming, 41, 1, p. 51-71.
  2. Harvey, Alison (2010). Constituting the Player: Feminist Technoscience, Gender and Digital Play. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 3, 1, 171-184.
  3. Rosser, Sue. (2006). Using the Lenses of Feminist Theories to Focus on Women and Technology. In Mary Frank Fox, Deborah G. Johnson and Sue V. Rosser (Eds). Women, Gender and Technology (13-46). Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
  5. Haraway, Donna. (1991). A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century. Ch 8. In Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. New York: Routledge.
  6. Female models in games (TF2):
  7. (The virtual census: representations of gender, race and age in video games )
  8. Braidotti, Rosi (2006). Post-Human, all too Human: Towards a New Process Ontology. Theory, Culture and Society, 23, 7-8, p. 197-208.
  9. (A Survey of First person Shooters and their Avatars)
  10. Representation of Women in Popular Video Games: Rediscovery Through Cultural Proximity by Nicolas LaLone
  11. Harvey, Alison (2010). Constituting the Player: Feminist Technoscience, Gender and Digital Play. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 3, 1, 171-184.
  12. (Lara Croft: Femisnist Icon or Cyber Bimbo?)
  13. (About Representation)
  14. (-Alex Raymond)
  15. Pearce, C. & Artemesia (2009). Methodology: Playing ethnography. In Communities of play: Emergent cultures in multiplayer games and virtual worlds. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
  16. Pham, Minh-Ha T. (2011). Blog Ambitions: Fashions, Feelings and the Digital Raced Body. Camera Obscura, 26, 1, 1-37.
  17. – Women in Refrigerators by Gail Simone
  18. (Disrupting the Gender Order: Leveling Up and Claiming Space in an After-School Video Game Club. Jennifer Jenson, Stephanie Fisher, Suzanne de Castell)
  19. Ashford, Chris (2009). Queer Theory, cyber-ethnographies and researching online sex environments. Information and Communication, 18, 3, 297-314.
  20. (A Techno-Passion that is Not One: Rethinking Marginality, Exclusion, and Difference, Linda Vigdor)
  21. (Cosplay)
  22. (Girlish Counter Play tactics)
  23. (Computer games as a part of Childrens Culture)
  24. (What Predicts Middle School Girls’ Interest in Computing?, Jill Denner)
  25. (Segregation in a Male-Dominated Industry: Women Working in the Computer Games Industry, Julie Prescott and Jan Bogg)

Other interesting readings:

  1. Daniels, Jesse. (2009). Rethinking Cyberfeminism(s): Race, Gender, and Embodiment. Women Studies Quarterly, Vol. 37, p. 101-124.
  2. Nakamura, Lisa. Cybertypes: Race, Ethnicity, Identity on the Internet. New York: Routledge, 2002.