Image Credit: opensourceway. Open source is rapidly becoming one of the most influential communities of our time, but I have been noticing more recently that many open source projects are lacking in female founders, contributors, and supporters. So…
On July 6th I had the privilege of mentoring a Ladies Learning Code Html/CSS session in Edmonton (I'm in front on the left!). The Edmonton chapter was started up by the lovely Bree from BE3Designs (front and center) and the session was instructed b…
This post is a hearty plug for a lot of cool stuff happening in order to address the gender gap in Computing Science. So this evening I was rereading an article by Mike Carbonaro, Duane Szafron, Maria Cutumisu, and Jonathan Schaeffer entitled "Comp…
Hey readers! This post reflects my opinion only. :) Ethics and Computing Science seems to be desperately lacking a feminist perspective. In taking a 300 level computing course on computers and society, I noticed immediately that the majority of dis…