Way back in August of 2014 I wrote an article that was a survey of League of Legends champions from a gendered perspective. Since then Riot has released some new characters that answer the critiques I made. My other article ended with the desire to…
I have done several panels in the past few years and this is by far the most asked question. Just to clarify, I am inexperienced, but I am a developer working for a AAA company. I think this puts me an interesting position when talking about this t…
A couple of weeks back I downloaded Curtain Call, the sequel to Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, a rhythm game by Final Fantasy creators Square-Enix on the Nintendo 3DS. While I admit to not having the played the first installment, apparently the major d…
The following is a statistical analysis of the League of Legends Champion's character design from a gendered perspective. In this analysis data was collected directly from the champion profiles listed on leagueoflegends.com/champions. Data is valid…
I finished playing Bioshock Infinite this summer, and I have been mulling on the game for some time. I was really impressed by the art and story of the game, it was deep yet concise, and had me engaged. But I am most critical of the things I love, …
This post is a hearty plug for a lot of cool stuff happening in order to address the gender gap in Computing Science. So this evening I was rereading an article by Mike Carbonaro, Duane Szafron, Maria Cutumisu, and Jonathan Schaeffer entitled "Comp…
The intention of this post is to initiate a conversation about the treatment of race in games. Countless resources have been written about the treatment of race in the media, however few exist that work solely towards deconstructing race in games. …
****THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS**** Let me start this post by saying, Fire Emblem Awakening is one of the best RPGs games I have ever played. Ever. If you have never played a Fire Emblem game then stop what you are doing and go do that. Right now. …